
Sharon Almeda

The SupernatuReal in this picture set is Sharon Almeda . All of the image sets that you'll see of her on SupernatuReals.com were created by photographer Jason Brooks.

While at the photo shoot, I told Sharon that she reminded me of an actress who's name I couldn't remember. Not long after we parted, it came to me. She favored a younger, voluptuous version of the actress Victoria Dillard.

I asked Sharon why she wore her hair natural and her response was simply, "why wouldn't I?" The images in this set are implied nudity but there will be full artistic nude sets of Sharon coming soon so stay tuned!

This is a full nude picture set by Jason Brooks and SupernatuReal Sharon Almeda. Sharon pulled her hair up this time around and we went for a more Afrocentric look with her jewelry and outfit. I love the contrast between her dark brown skin and the white cowrie shells.

                       Click here to view all SupernatuReal photo sets!

This is the second artistic nude picture set by Jason Brooks and SupernatuReal Sharon Almeda. We shot this set at the same time we created the images of Sharon in the red outfit. We went with the Afrocentric look again, but used wooden jewelry and an earth tone color scheme for her clothing.

                       Click here to view all SupernatuReal photo sets!
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